Welcome to EMESRT

EMESRT is a global ‘safety by design’ initiative established by mining companies to fill the functional performance expectations gap between earth moving equipment users and equipment designers.

Formalised in 2006, EMESRT is a global initiative involving major mining companies and remains the ‘common voice’ of the mining industry. EMESRT engages with key mining industry Original Equipment Manufacturers to advance the design of equipment and processes to improve safe operability and maintainability beyond Standards.

EMESRT is a respected high-influence global organisation that delivers industry-level understanding of complex health and safety problems. Its effectiveness rests on trusted relationships with OEM’s and third parties. This trust is vital to sustain EMESRT’s relevance and ability to influence the design outcomes. EMESRT interacts by genuine two-way engagement with all stakeholders.

Throughout its history, EMESRT, a mining company membership-based entity, has focussed on health and safety problems of significant consequence to the people in the mining industry.

EMESRT Members