Knowledge Hubs
The EMESRT Knowledge Hubs provide the industry with curated access to tools, case studies, reference information, links to relevant websites and other useful resources.
Navigation aids have been developed for each Knowledge Hub to assist a range of user find relevant content.
Mobile Equipment Fire Management
Despite ongoing improvements, hazards still create exposure for mobile equipment fires in both surface and underground mining if not well controlled through adequate design and management practices.
Undetected fires can spread rapidly. Fires can cause serious injuries or fatalities, stop production and damage equipment. Serious fire risk exists in all forms of mining. In underground mining, the potential for fire events to be catastrophic is real.
In order to assist the industry, EMESRT launched its Mobile Equipment Fire Knowledge Hub in August 2022, a curated online collection of tools, case studies, reference information, with links to relevant websites and other informative resources for all stakeholders.
Vehicle Interaction Control Improvement
The EMESRT Vision is a mining industry free of fatalities, injuries and occupational illnesses associated with operating and maintaining earth moving equipment. Since 2013, EMESRT has facilitated an industry-level vehicle interaction project with the goal of improving the reliability of vehicle interaction controls in mining.
This Knowledge Hub organises the outputs from this work and other useful information so they can be accessed and applied by a range of end users e.g. operating site personnel, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Proximity Detection Systems providers and other stakeholders.
Go to the Vehicle Interaction Control Improvement Knowledge Hub.