Containment failures when failure of hoses, connections or other vessels lead to a release of flammable liquids in proximity to hot components.
BI-02A.02 Fit for purpose equipment selection processes – Fuel lubrication and hydraulic lines
Equipment specifications include details on components that contain or contain flammable liquids. Where relevant, these reference standards, regulatory requirements and other industry information. [More...]
BI-02A.48 Flammable liquid line specifications are detailed for mobile equipment
Sites should prepare specifications that OEMs/suppliers confirm are met for flammable liquid lines on mobile plant. These engineering specifications should meet site requirements for filling, operation, maintenance and integrity during normal and any incident/emergency situation. [More...]
BI-05.05 Combustible liquids transfer site-based standards and procedures are in place
Develop and implement specifications for transferring combustible liquids. [More...]
Dangerous Incident – Fire in Muffler Box on Loader
A fire on a mobile loader occurred after a collision with a wall and failure to detect the fuel leak problem. [More...]
Dangerous incident notification – Fire on dump truck – NSW Resources Regulator
Fire on a dump truck identified a range of potential operational and equipment improvements. [More...]
Diesel engine – turbocharger fires – Queensland Government, Australia Safety Bulletin
Incident report on a fire on a Turbocharger - with recommendations to prevent incident recurrence. [More...]
Electrical fire on truck – Initial report of dangerous incident – NSW Resources Regulator
Fire on a haul truck arising from a modification to the electrics of the control panel. [More...]
Equipment fires, investigation and response – Queensland Government, Australia Safety Bulletin October 2011
A report highlighting concerns regarding equipment fires on mobile equipment on mine sites. [More...]
Fire and explosion risks on hydraulic excavators – Queensland Government Safety Bulletin December 2002
Hydraulic excavators involved in fires leads to recommendations to prevent recurrence and provides guidance on leading practice. [More...]
Fire on an underground loader – Queensland Government, Australia Safety Bulletin 255
Lessons learned from a fire on a loader in the hazardous zone of a coal mine. [More...]
Fire on diesel electric truck – Queensland Government Significant Incident
Truck fire arising from a fuel leak could not be extinguished. [More...]
Fire traps truck driver – NSW Government, Safety Alert 04-02
Analysis and recommendations following an incident investigation into a truck fire where the driver was trapped in the cabin by flames. [More...]
Fires ignite while refuelling mobile plant – NSW Government, Australia Safety Bulletin SB15-03
Incidents related to fuelling fires are analysed. [More...]
Fires occur while refuelling – NSW Resources Regulator Safety Bulletin SB21-01
New South Wales Resources Regulator Safety Bulletin, fires on mobile plant, refuelling. [More...]
Fires on mine sites – Queensland Government, Australia Safety Bulletin 86
Results of a statistical analysis into fires on mine sites. [More...]
Ignition of hydraulic fluid sprays by open flames and hot surfaces Liming Yuan Pittsburgh Research Laboratory, etc.
Analysis of hydraulic fluid related fires. [More...]
Inappropriate maintenance practices and fire protection lead to major plant fire – NSW Government, Australia Safety Alert SA12-01
Investigation findings and recommendations from an excavator fire (which was a complete loss). [More...]
Lead acid battery explosions – NSW Government, Australia Safety Bulletin SB16-02
Battery fires and incidents are analysed and recommendation made. [More...]
Light vehicle fires – NSW Mineral Resources Safety Alert SA99-05
A design feature in light vehicles makes potential for fire worse. [More...]
Maintaining the effectiveness of water-mist fire suppression systems on mobile plant – Western Australian Government Safety Bulletin SB-127
High-pressure water-mist fire suppression systems are used widely. [More...]
Preventing fires on mobile plant – NSW Resources Regulator August 2018
Discussion paper on options for preventing fires on mobile plant. [More...]
Preventing fires on mobile plant position paper – NSW Resources Regulator
Mine operators, rigorous fire risk assessments, fire suppression and detection systems, controls must be effectively implemented and regularly monitored, suitable fire-resistant fluids. [More...]
Rear hub failure and subsequent fire – Queensland Government, Australia Safety Alert 107
Queensland Government, Australia, Safety Bulletin from February 2004. The rear hub of a dual set of wheels on a rear dump truck cracked around the circumference and parted. This wheel hub/rim failure cut through a brake line and initiated a fire. [More...]
Reviewing conditions on a mining vehicle for possible ignition and fire behaviour – flammable and combustible liquids
This paper published by Rickard Hansen from the Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, Australia, presents a study on ignition conditions and fire behaviour on various types of mining vehicles involving flammable or combustible liquids, where data from earlier fire experiments, incident reports and fuel inventories on different vehicle categories are applied. [More...]
Underground fire prevention audit – Western Australia Government
Fire risks, resource requirements, personnel and training, flammable and combustible liquids, underground mobile equipment, underground fixed mechanical installations, underground fixed electrical installations, underground air compressors, underground workshops and maintenance and operating procedures. [More...]