Impacts of the operating enviroment on fire and heating – with external fuel or ignition sources contributing to fires and heating on machines
BI-02.07 Regular checking and maintenance of brakes steering and tyres
There are minimal brake, steering and tyre failures on operating mobile equipment. [More...]
BI-02.09 Regular checking and maintenance of alarms and monitors
There are minimal alarm and monitor failures on operating mobile equipment. [More...]
BI-02A.45 Confirm that hydraulic systems performance meets OEM guarantees
Hydraulic systems installed on mobile equipment meet operating and maintenance requirements.[More...]
BI-02A.58 Ceramic coatings for exhaust components
Hot surfaces in engines are coated with material that lower their operating surface temperature. [More...]
BI-04.04 Site change management process apply to the introduction of new types and models of mobile equipment
Applied and effective change management processes are in use at the operating site and these apply to the introduction of new types and models of mobile equipment. [More...]
BI-05.01 Change management process
Applied and effective change management processes are in use at the operating site.[More...]
BI-05.03 Effective contractor management processes
Site contractor management processes are effective, and they include: * Mobilisation information * Access and induction information * Allocation of facilities e.g. workshops, parking, offices, equipment laydown, operating areas etc. * Equipment minimum standards e.g. vehicle markings and lighting requirements * Traffic management and other operational interfaces [More...]
BI-05.04 Regular and consistent application of performance management processes
Operating sites have effective performance management processes, that are applied consistently. [More...]
BI-05.10 External expectations are identified and managed
Operating sites understand and meet external expectations including: from the regulator and licensing conditions. [More...]
CFM-MN-04 Inadequate Maintenance results in excessive heat during subsequent mobile equipment operations
Fires following maintenance, caused by several factors. [More...]
Code of Practice Emergency management for Western Australian mines
Emergency management for Western Australian mines, code of practice providing guidance on fire response requirements. [More...]
Discussion Paper – Preventing fires on mobile plant – NSW Minerals Council submission
The Resources Regulator (the Regulator) has identified fires on mobile plant as a significant hazard in the New South Wales mining industry. In particular the higher rates of such fires in surface mines and underground metaliferous mines is the focus of the Regulator’s proposals for change outlined in the Discussion Paper. [More...]
Drive shaft failures causing fires – NSW Resources Regulator Bulletin SB-11
New South Wales Resources Regulator Safety Bulletin, fires on mobile plant, drive shaft failures, universal joint, hydraulic component, whipping tail. [More...]
Fires on surface drill rigs – NSW Government, Australia Safety Bulletin SB18-04
Fires related to the working environment are analysed for drilling rigs. [More...]
Flammable airconditioning gas – Western Australia Government Safety Bulletin 100
A hydrocarbon refrigerant may reduce some hazards but fire hazards may be increased. [More...]
Hydraulic hose failure on dump truck – Western Australia Government Significant Incident Report 181
A dump truck operating at an open pit mine caught fire when a hose-end fitting separated on a singlewire reinforced hydraulic hose. Oil sprayed onto hot engine components. [More...]
Inappropriate maintenance practices and fire protection lead to major plant fire – NSW Government, Australia Safety Alert SA12-01
Investigation findings and recommendations from an excavator fire (which was a complete loss). [More...]
Overheated tryes require miners to use self rescuers – NSW Government, Australia Safety Bulletin SA08-08
Overheated tyres cause a smoke event in an underground mine - improvements are identified to prevent recurrence. [More...]
Pre-ignition detection and early fire detection in mining vehicles
Paper published by Rickard Hansen, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, Australia in the Mining Technology Taylor and Francis Journal. With an increasing demand for early detection of mining vehicle fires, the question is how an early detection could be achieved? Data from cone calorimeter tests and incident summary data were applied when analysing possible fire detection solutions on mining vehicles.
The flame characteristics of a tyre fire on a mining vehiucle
This paper was published by Richard Hansen from the Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, Australia. With vehicles frequently found in underground mines and tyres being a major fuel item, the risk of tyre fires will be severe underground. This study presents an in-depth analysis of tyre fires on mining vehicles to increase the knowledge of the risk, applying data from full-scale fire experiments and CFD simulations. [More...]
Underground fire prevention audit – Western Australia Government
Fire risks, resource requirements, personnel and training, flammable and combustible liquids, underground mobile equipment, underground fixed mechanical installations, underground fixed electrical installations, underground air compressors, underground workshops and maintenance and operating procedures. [More...]
Worker suffers serious burns in underground loader fire
New South Wales Resources Regulator Investigation Information Release, worker suffers serious burns, underground loader tyre fire, fire suppression system. [More...]