Fuel introduced to mobile equipment during operation caused by:
- Hydrogen build up during battery charging
- Poor refuelling practices such as Over filling; Venting of flammable vapours during fuelling; Spillage e.g. coupler disengagement (including driving off with fuelling line still connected); fuelling so that any overflow discharges onto hot surfaces
- Operating environment outside equipment design e.g. vegetation around exhaust/hot components, flammable gas (methane) present (e.g. in underground coal etc. operations from general body, blowers and releases from stockpiled coal)
- Poor housekeeping after operational checks (e.g. leaving rag waste around oil dip stick location etc.)
- Other build-up of flammable material in vicinity of heat sources
- Driving into locations that lead to an interaction with a flammable atmosphere
Credible Failure mode is addressed by:
- BI-01.04 Trained, Competent and Authorised Mobile Equipment Operators
- BI-02.31 Operator prestart checks include brakes, steering, tyres and running gear
- BI-02D.02 Standards setting minimum requirements for cabin integrity, restraints, access and escape, auto shut-downs and other relevant protective systems
- BI-03.03 Effective management of flammable dust
- BI-03.07 Refuelling Practices – trained personnel follow site refuelling procedures
- BI-09.06 Site spill response
Last Updated: 17/05/2022 03:50:32pm