Operating in a manner that generates heat on the item of mobile equipment, caused by:
- Lightning strike (operating during electrical storm and/or ignition of vegetation and other fuel proximate to operations during a storm)
- Body or elevating components (booms, etc.) contact (high) voltage power lines or cables
- Arcing from powerlines contacts mobile equipment
- Contact with other electrical energy source
- Parking or operating mobile equipment adjacent to a fire e.g. on fixed or mobile plant, bush fire, etc.
- Bushfires impacting mobile equipment (potentially intentionally lit)
- Pay load at elevated temperature e.g. transporting coal from a burning seam
- Parking next to radiant heat sources
Credible Failure mode is addressed by:
- BI-01.04 Trained, Competent and Authorised Mobile Equipment Operators
- BI-01.43 Required system health checks before mobile equipment operation – information for operator by vehicle type specifying: access and escape, alarms, fire suppression, auto shutdowns and other relevant protective systems
- BI-02.60 Effective Hot work Processes
- BI-03.02 Operators follow site parking requirements
- BI-03.04 Lightning TARP
- BI-04.21 Implemented road design guidelines specify minimum fuel bay, roadway and parking area requirements
- BI-05.07 Site policy and procedures addresses risks of naked flames
Last Updated: 17/05/2022 03:51:13pm