Generation of excessive heat relates to issues that cause (or control) components or operating conditions which could lead to unwanted heat sources on equipment
CFM-MN-04 Inadequate Maintenance results in excessive heat during subsequent mobile equipment operations
Fires following maintenance, caused by several factors. [More...]
Electrical fire on truck – Initial report of dangerous incident – NSW Resources Regulator
Fire on a haul truck arising from a modification to the electrics of the control panel. [More...]
Electrical fire on truck – NSW Resources Regulator dangerous incident notice
Incident notification regarding an electrical fault with recommendations. [More...]
Ignition of hydraulic fluid sprays by open flames and hot surfaces – NIOSH
Hydraulic oil, ignition. [More...]
Ignition of hydraulic fluid sprays by open flames and hot surfaces Liming Yuan Pittsburgh Research Laboratory, etc.
Analysis of hydraulic fluid related fires. [More...]
Overheated tryes require miners to use self rescuers – NSW Government, Australia Safety Bulletin SA08-08
Overheated tyres cause a smoke event in an underground mine - improvements are identified to prevent recurrence. [More...]
Salt harvester fire no emergency egress – Western Australia Government Significant Incident Report 147
Fire and entrapment hazard on mobile plant (salt harvester) - absence of a second egress. [More...]
The flame characteristics of a tyre fire on a mining vehiucle
This paper was published by Richard Hansen from the Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, Australia. With vehicles frequently found in underground mines and tyres being a major fuel item, the risk of tyre fires will be severe underground. This study presents an in-depth analysis of tyre fires on mining vehicles to increase the knowledge of the risk, applying data from full-scale fire experiments and CFD simulations. [More...]
Underground diesel-powered water car fire – MSHA Alert 14 May 2019
A fire occurred on a modified item of U/G plant in a USA coal mine. There was no detection of the heat build up and a subsequent failure of the fire suppression system led to a more significant incident occurring that would otherwise have happened. The regulator identified 7 key safety practices that should be included. [More...]