BI-01.01 Trained personnel who are supported by an up to date training system
A process should be in place for delivering and maintaining competency-based training. [More...]
Inadequate maintenance causes mobile equipment fire
A process should be in place for delivering and maintaining competency-based training. [More...]
Line managers ensure safe, productive behaviours are recognised and action is taken to correct unsafe and non-productive behaviours.[More...]
Hoses used on mobile equipment are correctly rated and assembled. [More...]
All workers who maintain mobile equipment are trained, competent and authorised for the tasks that they carry out.[More...]
Accountability for the maintenance of fire detection and suppression systems assigned to a suitably experienced and qualified person(s).[More...]
Safety and operational systems on mobile plant are well-maintained. [More...]
There are minimal brake, steering and tyre failures on operating mobile equipment.[More...]
There are minimal alarm and monitor failures on operating mobile equipment. [More...]
There are no maintenance process failures that result in mobile equipment fires, during operations and during servicing, maintenance and repair work. [More...]
Portable fire extinguishers are installed on all mobile equipment.[More...]
Sites have a formal process for managing hot work on or near mobile equipment.[More...]
Fire resistant coolants and hydraulic fluids are tested, approved and available for use in mobile equipment, when required.[More...]
Hot work on fuel tanks is well controlled and does not result in fires or explosions.[More...]
Scheduled inspections of mobile equipment avoids breakdowns. Mobile equipment that is compromised does not operate.[More...]
Applied and effective change management processes are in use at the operating site.[More...]
Operating sites have effective performance management processes, that are applied consistently.[More...]
New South Wales Resources Regulator Safety Bulletin, fires on mobile plant, drive shaft failures, universal joint, hydraulic component, whipping tail
Design Philosophy 4 - Fire, fire prevention or mitigation controls, risks to operator, maintainer and emergency responders
New South Wales Resources Regulator Safety Bulletin, fire, battery units, underground, electric vehicles, mains powered mobile machinery
2 page article covering an observed trend by insurers in the frequency and severity of fires in Australia...
New South Wales Resources Regulator Safety Bulletin, fires on mobile plant, refuelling
NSW Resources Regulator Safety Bulletin, mobile equipment fires, safety bulletin, advice, mining industry, maintenance, servicing, repair activities
Investigation findings and recommendations from an excavator fire (which was a complete loss) [More...]