Failure to detect and/or respond to a heating/fire situation, caused by:

  • Detection system does not fail to safe e.g no low-pressure alarm
  • Alarm override, alarm failure
  • Lack of system health checks (equipment can be operated with detection/suppression systems not functional with no alarm state occurring)
  • Fire system health checks are not actioned in subsequent processes

This Credible Failure mode is addressed by:

  • BI-01.43 Required system health checks before mobile equipment operation – information for operator by vehicle type specifying: access and escape, alarms, fire suppression, auto shutdowns and other relevant protective systems
  • BI-02.01 Introduction of equipment to site process
  • BI-02.08 Fire suppression system is integrated into machine operation
  • BI-02.09 Regular checking and maintenance of alarms and monitors
  • BI-02A.80 System that monitors thermal digital fingerprint
  • BI-05.06 Regular monitoring of equipment status that predicts fires, alarms on equipment, and notifies
  • BI-09B.03 Operator Fire Training


Last Updated: 04/08/2020 07:25:09am