Equipment is operated outside equipment design limits and excessive heat generated, including:
- operation with brakes engaged
- overuse of brakes on steep gradient
- overload of engine or other components leading to heat generation
- electrical fault generating heat during operations
- long trams with partially inflated tyres
- pyrolysis of tyres – arising from – incorrect tyre/tire fitment, foreign objects in tyres/tires, excessive tramming distances (TKPH) leading to tyre/tire fires
- foreign object lodged in moving components (generating heat and possibly also providing fuel)
Credible Failure mode is addressed by:
- BI-01.03 Clear operator performance management expectations supported by an active and consistent performance management process
- BI-01.04 Trained, Competent and Authorised Mobile Equipment Operators
- BI-02.03 Brakes, Steering, Tyres, Cabins covered by processes for confirming that new to site vehicles meet site specifications
- BI-02.13 Routine tyre inspection
- BI-02A.54 Pneumatic specifications are detailed for mobile equipment
- BI-02A.55 Service and park brake design
- BI-05.06 Regular monitoring of equipment status that predicts fires, alarms on equipment, and notifies
- BI-09B.03 Operator Fire Training
Last Updated: 11/08/2020 02:14:08am