This group of failure modes relates to operator errors created or made worse by ergonomics of the mobile equipment or associated work area. The types of failure mode identified include:
- Nuisance alarms from proximity/fatigue/other monitoring technologies;
- Awkward or restricted sightlines from operator position;
- Changed operator behaviour (relying on immature technology such as fatigue monitors);
- Signage and other warnings not being sighted by operators/pedestrians.
The business inputs recommended/identified as addressing these problems are listed.
BI-01D.01 Trained personnel who are supported by an appropriate and up-to-date training management system
A process should be in place for delivering and maintaining competency-based training. [More...]
BI-01D.03 Fit for work processes with specific advice on self-management
Operating sites should develop and maintain processes that support personnel to be both fit for work and to maintain a healthy work-life balance. [More...]
BI-01P.01 Trained, Competent and Authorised Mobile Equipment Operators
All workers who operate mobile equipment at the mine are trained and assessed for competency. [More...]
BI-01P.05 Site clearance requirements and processes for accurately estimating distances – information prepared for operators
Site clearance requirements are documented and communicated in a style that is appropriate for the audience. [More...]
BI-01P.08 Alarm and vehicle information panel expected response – information prepared for operators
Alarm and vehicle information panel, with expected responses, are documented by vehicle type and communicated in a style that is appropriate for the audience. [More...]
BI-01S.02 Pre-commencement and periodic medicals for mobile equipment operators
Pre-employment and periodic medicals should ensure personnel are capable of fufilling position requirements. [More...]
BI-02D.10 Operator ergonomics are considered before introducing vehicle alarms and other aids
Alarms and other aids introduced to alert the operator and / or improve situational awareness add value. [More...]
BI-02D.53 Operator display specifications are detailed for mobile equipment
Operator displays provide the information necessary for safe and productive outcomes. [More...]
BI-02P.04 Regular checking and maintenance of alarms, monitors, cameras and other warning devices
Mobile equipment alarms, cameras and advice screens are functional during operations. [More...]
BI-02P.11 Protocols that detail how the status of vehicle alarms and monitors are checked prior to use
Vehicle operators check and report on the status of vehicle alarms before use. [More...]
BI-04D.05 Road design guidelines specify minimum requirements for delineation
The design and installation of delineators assists mobile equipment operators to accurately estimate separation distances. [More...]
BI-04P.14 Positive communication protocol for passing a vehicle
Passing of vehicles is well managed and based on positive communications. [More...]
BI-04S.20 Proximity detection data send
Proximity detection data is captured and sent for monitoring and analysis. [More...]
BI-04T.20 Proximity detection, alerts, advice, and intervention
When proximity detection monitoring systems are fitted, they have operator alert, advice and intervention capabilities that meet site functional and performance requirements. [More...]
BI-05D.05 Site fatigue management processes are comprehensive and optimise work rosters
Site fatigue management processes are comprehensive and designed to support employees.
BI-05S.03 Hazard and incident reporting process that generates value adding corrective actions
The site has an effective and well used hazard and incident reporting process. [More...]
BI-05S.06 Comprehensive fitness for work process includes alcohol and other drugs
Site requirements that all employees, contractors and visitors are fit for duty (unimpaired) while in the workplace. [More...]