Safety Improvement Technologies for Mobile Equipment at Surface Mines, and for Belt Conveyors at Surface and Underground Mines
Link to a to Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Proposed Rule that includes Safety Improvement Technologies for Mobile Equipment at Surface Mines
Relevant to improving mobile equipment interaction controls
“The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) is taking a number of actions related to mobile equipment and belt conveyors to improve miners’ safety, including providing technical assistance, conducting awareness campaigns, and developing best practices and training materials. MSHA is also considering the role of engineering controls that would increase the use of seatbelts, enhance equipment operators’ ability to see all areas near the machine, warn equipment operators of potential collision hazards, prevent equipment operators from driving over a highwall or dump point?”
The link also contains useful supplementary information on:
- Seatbelts including interlocks,
- Collision Warning Systems and Collision Avoidance Systems,
- Highwall and Dump Points
- Autonomous Mobile Equipment
Comments on the proposed rule closed in December 2018.
Last Updated: 15/04/2019 10:01:04am