Fire event tree

Mobile equipment fire event tree with areas of influence

This fire event tree is published in Performance Requirement 4: Mobile Equipment Fire Management and the Mobile Equipment Fire Management Project Report 2018-2023. The diagram is interactive. If you click on the Fail’s you will be taken to the pathway steps, outcomes, area of influence and area of influence notes.

1. Fuel contacts surface above its ignition temp. 2. Fuel remains available 3.Local response does not extinguish equipment fire 4.Equipment operator is not able to escape 5.Emergency response does not rescue operator 6.Emergency response does not extinguish fire 7.Fire emergency response interrupts production 8.Infrastructure/equipment conflagration 9.Fire is underground (UG) 10.UG emergency response does not extinguish fire OUTCOME Success 1s Success 2s Success 3s Success 4s Success 5s Success 6s Success 7s Success 8s Success 9s Success 10s Unsuccessful underground emergency withdraw and/or take refuge - multiple fatalities, production and equipment losses Mobile equipment destroyed by onboard fire. Fire spreads to other mobile equipment and/or infrastructure causing production losses Underground emergency withdraw and/or take refuge - production and equipment losses Mobile equipment destroyed by onboard fire - process interruptions during response Mobile equipment destroyed by onboard fire - minimal production interruptions Mobile equipment operator fire related fatality. Mobile equipment damaged by onboard fire Mobile equipment damaged by onboard fire Mobile equipment minor damage from onboard fire Mobile equipment undamaged Liquid fuel loss of containment Solid fuel present either as an equipment component or a foreign object Normal atmosphere - oxygen present Flame or smoulder Equipment fire starts Equipment fire continues Equipment fire continues Equipment fire continues Equipment fire continues Equipment fire in production area Equipment fire spreads Significant fire underground Significant fire underground continues Fail 1s Fail 2s Fail 3s Fail 4s Fail 5s Fail 6s Fail 7s Fail 8s Fail 9s Fail 10s