Vehicle interaction control improvement body of knowledge
EMESRT is a global ‘safety by design’ initiative established by mining companies to fill the functional performance expectations gap between earth moving equipment users and equipment designers.
The EMESRT Vision is a mining industry free of fatalities, injuries and occupational illnesses associated with operating and maintaining earth moving equipment. Since 2013, EMESRT has facilitated an industry-level vehicle interaction project with the goal of improving the reliability of vehicle interaction controls in mining.
The EMESRT Vehicle Interaction Control Improvement (VICI) Body of Knowledge contains industry resource materials. The navigation diagram providers users with a visual of where each resource fits into the VICI process. The tabs under the main headings are linked to content.
The Control Effectiveness Framework and Control Management Sheets are intended for use by EMESRT and ICMM permitted users at a site level. Please send an email to to check if you meet the permitted user criteria. If you do, the industry resources will be emailed to you.