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Earth Moving Equipment Safety Round Table

Working with industry since 2006

Welcome to EMESRT

EMESRT is a global 'safety by design' initiative established by mining companies to fill the functional performance expectations gap between earth moving equipment users and equipment designers.

Formalised in 2006, EMESRT is a global initiative involving major mining companies and remains the ‘common voice’ of the mining industry. EMESRT engages with key mining industry Original Equipment Manufacturers to advance the design of equipment and processes to improve safe operability and maintainability beyond Standards.

EMESRT is a respected high-influence global organisation that delivers industry-level understanding of complex health and safety problems. Its effectiveness rests on trusted relationships with OEM’s and third parties. This trust is vital to sustain EMESRT’s relevance and ability to influence the design outcomes. EMESRT interacts by genuine two-way engagement with all stakeholders.

Throughout its history, the mining company membership-based entity has focussed on health and safety problems of significant consequence to the people in the mining industry.


A mining industry free of fatalities, injuries and occupational illnesses associated with operating and maintaining earth moving equipment.


Accelerate development and adoption of leading practice designs to minimise the risk of health and safety through a process of Original Equipment Manufacturer, contractor and user engagement.


  • Design beyond standards
  • Balancing engineering and behaviour (human factors)
  • Recognising the value of task-based design review
  • Appreciate that the OEM does its best with the end user involved
  • Open genuine two-way engagement is key

Advisory Group

The EMESRT Advisory Group (EAG), comprised of one representative from each Tier One member company, provides strategic direction for all EMESRT Technical Working Group activities to ensure consistency in the messaging to the OEM’s, and third party manufacturers and suppliers. The EAG identifies and agrees to prioritise industry work areas. The EAG then confirms the project strategy, identifies key industry stakeholders, develops work plans, allocates budget and identifies support resources required to deliver on the agreed priority work areas.

Each member contributes to the EAG based on their diverse experience, skills and availability and may lead one or more agreed priority work areas.

EMESRT’s clear purpose and volunteer structure is enabled by effective and efficient project management processes. EMESRT sets an annual membership fee to provide the resources necessary to implement it approved work plans.

EMESRT’s clear purpose and volunteer structure is enabled by effective and efficient project management processes. EMESRT sets an annual membership fee to provide the resources necessary to implement it approved work plans.

Technical Working Groups

The Technical Working Groups (TWG) are established by the EMESRT Advisory Group and are made of of multiple member representatives, OEM’s, third party suppliers, industry experts and other with relevant expertise.

The TWG meet on a regular basis to discuss the progress of each industry project covering next steps including industry engagement and information sharing opportunities.

Industry Engagement

As in previous years, EMESRT continued broad industry engagement as it remains central to how EMESRT works with stakeholders on its industry project objectives. EMESRT’s work requires effective two-way industry collaboration to progress its work plan activities and relevant outcomes.

EMESRT acknowledges that effective collaboration and engagement is paramount in achieving the desired outcomes to very complex problems. The EAG thanks all who have participated or contributed to EMESRT industry initiatives during 2022 and the preceding years.

EMESRT fosters honest and open dialogue, while not breaching anti-trust requirements, builds transparent industry level collaboration, shares openly non-commercial information, and encourages active engagement.

Design Philosophies

The Technical Working Groups (TWG) are established by the EMESRT Advisory Group and are made of of multiple member representatives, OEM’s, third party suppliers, industry experts and other with relevant expertise.

Through the design philosophies, EMESRT presents an aligned industry voice that assists OEM’s in designing equipment that reduces the exposure to unwanted events to an acceptable level (including foreseeable human error).

EMESRT’s design philosophies are not technically prescriptive. They are intended to support OEM equipment design processes in considering problems and identifying design controls or features that effectively address unacceptable exposure to users.

Industry Level Projects

At the end of 2023, EMESRT was leading three active industry-level projects, each with an established Technical Working Group working on agreed project objectives.

Each project is led by an EAG member who provides strategic oversight, coordinates activities and leads discussions on project progress/roadblocks at the technical working group monthly meetings.

An overview of each project is provided via the READ MORE buttons under each project below.

EMESRT Members

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