Tyre handler scenario-based storyboard animations available to industry

Incidents involve stored energy release during rapid deflations or catastrophic disassembly of wheel assemblies, tyre fires or explosions from pyrolysis, vehicle interactions, or crush injuries when moving tyres and wheels or working near the mobile equipment.

EMESRT launched its tyre and rim industry initiative in 2018. EMESRT invited experienced mining industry personnel to be members of a Tyre and Rim Technical Working Group and engaged with industry researchers to better understand the human factors aspects of the tasks and environment (within a ‘work system’). 

This initiative was the motivation behind the approval of several rounds of research funding for tyre and rim related ACARP projects. ACARP (Australian Coal Industry’s Research Program) is a unique and highly successful mining research program that has been running in Australia since 1992.

In 2021, EMESRT formed a tyre handler sub-group to develop tyre handling operational workflows. During several workshops, the sub-group identified 15 high consequence workflows and 17 associated, recurring tasks within these workflows. These were mapped against the EMESRT Control Framework process.

Following the mapping process, 18 video-based animated storyboards were developed with 17 depicting events that can give rise to fatalities, and one compilation video explaining the Control Framework in tyre handling operations. 

EMESRT has made the tyre handler scenario-based storyboard animations freely available to industry with a hope of stimulating shared interest in design improvements via visual storytelling.

The EMESRT Advisory Group wishes to thank everyone involved for their significant contribution to the development of the animations.

For more information on this or other EMESRT industry initiatives please send an email to enquiries@emesrt.org.