New initiatives update
The equipment fires and tyres and rims working groups met early this week to continue discussing the respective project plans, updating action items and nutting out next steps. A draft project plan, including budget and timeline, has been developed for the equipment fires project and once it is bedded down the format will be applied to the tyres and rims project.
One major milestone achieved in September was the development of the draft self-assessment tool for both projects. Mark Geerssen provided the group with an overview of the layout and content of the tool.
The self-assessment tool is a bi-product of the workshops held this year with the team and consultants from Risk Mentor playing a major role in sorting, categorising and basically putting the content into a logical order for users to follow.
“The real value is that the tool will be updated regularly and will be located in one central location therefore eliminating any angst/issues relating to how current the content is or version control,” said Mark.
Both working groups agreed that the self-assessment tool was coming along nicely and will be a useful resource within their respective businesses. Several working group members will test drive the tool and provide feedback to the project leads for consideration.