Activity Reports

Activity Reports

EMESRT publishes activity reports on an annual basis. Each activity report provides an insight into EMESRT industry focus area projects and their progress for the calendar year.

The reports highlight how EMESRT operates, governance framework, funding, annual work plan, and continuity and renewal. 

2023 Activity Report

An overview of EMESRT’s activities for 2023 is given in this activity report. The report covers industry focus area project progress and next steps, industry engagement, EMESRT operations and more.

The EMESRT Advisory Group hopes that readers will find the information pertinent and helpful.

2022 Activity Report

This Activity Report provides a summary of EMESRT activities including industry level project progress, engagement with industry and how EMESRT operates. It also highlights a number of milestones achieved in collaboration with industry during 2022.

The EMESRT Advisory Group hope that this 2022 Activity Report is useful and relevant to EMESRT member companies, the wider EMESRT community and others who might find the content of interest.

2021 Activity Report

This 2021 Activity Report provides a summary of the work on the planned industry project objectives and outcomes. It provides readers with highlights from 2021, focus area milestones, next steps and information about how EMESRT operates.

The EMESRT Advisory Group hope you find the report informative, readily useable and relevant.

2020 Activity Report

This 2021 Activity Report provides a summary of the work on the planned industry project objectives and outcomes. It provides readers with highlights from 2021, focus area milestones, next steps and information about how EMESRT operates.This 2020 Activity Report provides a summary of the work on the planned industry project objectives and outcomes. It provides readers with highlights from 2020, focus area milestones, next steps and information about how EMESRT operates.

2019 Activity Report

The EMESRT 2019 Annual Report brings together EMESRT achievements and provides readers with an update on industry initiatives, governance and other information pertaining to how EMESRT operates.

2018 Activity Report

This annual report is a summary of EMESRT’s activities for the 12 month period ending 30 December 2018. It provides readers with an overview of EMESRT achievements, an update on various industry initiatives, and other useful information.

2017 Activity Report

This EMESRT 2017 Annual Report brings together EMESRT achievements and provides readers with an update on industry initiatives, governance and other information pertaining to how EMESRT operates.

2012 Project Report

This EMESRT 2012 Project Report documents how it all started and brings together achievements and provides readers with an update on industry initiatives, governance and other information pertaining to how EMESRT operates.