EMESRT ICMM ICSV VI Leading Sites Forum

The inaugural leading sites forum webinar took place on 20 June 2023 with 22 participants contributing to discussions.

The forum was formed following the recent Leading Sites four-day workshop attended by 34 participants representing Alcoa, AngloAmerican, Antofagasta, BHP, Freeport, Glencore, Goldfields, Rio Tinto, and Vale. The workshop included member representatives from both corporate and site and was supported by Steering Committee Co-Chairs, EMESRT, and consultant personnel.

The forum provides a platform for the EMESRT and the International Council of Mining and Metals (ICMM), Innovation for Cleaner Safer Vehicles (ICSV), Vehicle Interaction Leading Sites participants to share experiences, know-how and report on the leading sites program progress.

The leading sites program is driven by industry collaboration between EMESRT and the ICMM, ICSV, Vehicle Interaction initiative.

  • A capable solution delivers better vehicle interaction control performance by improving the quality of decision-making from task execution through to mine operations and design
  • A capable solution considers relevant aspects of the operating environment, production requirements and equipment design
  • Where technology is a part of a capable solution, it is operationally integrated with existing controls

For more information on the leading sites program, please visit the ICMM Cleaner and Safer Vehicles web page.