Tyre and rim industry initiative presented at the MESS Forum 2023
Thank you to Mark and Sara for making the time to travel to Sydney and present.
Thank you to Mark and Sara for making the time to travel to Sydney and present.
The animated storyboards are freely available on the EMESRT website with the hope of stimulating shared interest in design improvements via visual storytelling.
EMESRT developed 18 video-based animated storyboards, with 17 depicting events that can give rise to fatalities, and one compilation video explaining the EMESRT Control Framework approach in tyre handling operations.
The tyre handler part of the presentation covered the human factors aspects of tyre handling using the recently published video-based animated storyboards.
The presentation provided forum participants with an insight into EMESRT, followed by the tyre and rim management industry initiative, with a focus on tyre handlers.
EMESRT is committed to sharing information with industry in an open and transparent manner to increase industry knowledge and capability.