Tyre BoK

Tyre management improvement body of knowledge

EMESRT is a global ‘safety by design’ initiative established by mining companies to fill the functional performance expectations gap between earth moving equipment users and equipment designers.

The EMESRT Vision is a mining industry free of fatalities, injuries and occupational illnesses associated with operating and maintaining earth moving equipment. Since 2018, EMESRT has facilitated an industry-level tyre management project with the goal to provide tyre and rim designers and users with structured information that enables the prevention and the mitigation of the consequences of tyre and rim events.

The EMESRT Tyre Management Improvement Body of Knowledge contains industry resource materials. The navigation diagram providers users with a visual of where each resource fits into the fire management improvement process.

Each tab under the main heading is linked to content.

NOTE 1: Several resource items that have not been published as yet, and they are the Facilitator Guide, Project Guide, Work Breakdown Structure and Work Packages. These industry resources are being developed and will be published as soon as possible.

NOTE 2: The Control Effectiveness Framework and Control Management Sheets link will take you to a third party online portal. Registration is required to access these industry resources. Direct links to the material via the EMESRT website will be available shortly.

Facilitator Guide Control Effectiveness Framework Control Management Sheets Facilitator Guide Control Effectiveness Framework Control Management Sheets Control Effectiveness Lessons Learned Functional Performance Scenario Storyboards Design Philosophy 2 Project Guide Work Breakdown Structure Work Packages Informative IncidentInvestigations TYRE MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENTBODY OF KNOWLEDGE Tyre Handler Interactions ACARP Research Reports