EMESRT VI Project Team delivers presentation for ICMM ICSV
Yesterday, the EMESRT Vehicle Interaction project team delivered a presentation for the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) Innovation for Cleaner, Safer Vehicles (ICSV) webinar. The two webinar sessions, held at 8 am and 4 pm to accommodate different time zones, focussed on “Understanding your vehicle interaction maturity and what you can do next”.
EMESRTs presentation provided background information and current progress of the EMESRT Vehicle Interaction (VI) industry project. It showcased the VI Knowledge Hub tools and approaches developed for industry to undertake a vehicle interaction improvement implementation project. The Hub is a curated online collection of tools, case studies, reference information, links to relevant websites and other informative resources. It provides users with templates to assist in the planning and execution of an improvement project at operating sites.
This was an opportunity to provide the industry with information on ICMM and EMESRT collaborative approach in influencing the use of vehicle interaction maturity framework in starting the change improvement process, including next steps.
The presentation was well received with 110 participants attended from OEM’s, 3rd party suppliers and others interested in the work being undertaken by ICMM and EMESRT.
Participants expressed an interest in the possibility of hosting future webinar such as this one. Over the coming months, ICMM and EMESRT are planning on delivering further webinars focussing in more detail on specific elements highlighted during the webinar.
The webinar presentation recordings are available below.