ICMM Workshop
ICMM Media Release 31 October 2018 - Industry and vehicle manufacturers join forces to develop cleaner, safer vehicles
London, UK – The International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) and leading suppliers have announced an ambitious plan to make mining vehicles cleaner and safer at the International Mining and Resources Conference (IMARC) in Melbourne, Australia.
The Innovation for Cleaner Safer Vehicles (ICSV) programme brings together 27 of the world’s leading mining companies and some of the best-known truck and mining equipment suppliers to accelerate innovation to develop a new generation of mine vehicles. Read more…
ICMM ICSV Workshop held 17-19 October 2022, Brisbane Australia
Workshop materials
Resources used during the workshop for surface and underground groups.
Note: Following advice from the workshop the EMESRT underground storyboards will be reworked and released in November 2022.
- Reflections, principles and success factors - Currently being updated for incorporation in a strategy resource for internal company use
- Appendix H - Template for prioritising user requirements for surface (once the file is opened, select File, and then select Download)
- Appendix H - Template for prioritising user requirements for underground (once the file is opened, select File, and then select Download)
- EMESRT VI Posters
- EMESRT Vehicle Interaction Control Improvement Guide
EMESRT story boards
The Story Board approach was developed by an EMESRT Member Company to assist with the specification and installation of Proximity Detection Systems (PDS) on mobile equipment at surface mines. They provide a visual and dynamic reference for equipment operators, PDS suppliers VI Control Improvement project managers as they implement VI intervention controls (EMESRT Levels 8–9).
Note: Following advice from the workshop the EMESRT underground storyboards will be reworked and released in November 2022.
- 1. Segregated roads
- 2. Speed zones general, including ramps
- 3. Tailgating heavy vehicle toh eavy vehicle
- 4. T-intersection light vehicle perspective
- 5. Wet roads due to overwatering
- 6. Passing stationary heavy vehicle - dump and dig face
- 7. Accessing a heavy vehicle for maintenance
- 8. Accessing a heavy vehicle for operational activities
- 9. Assumed unmanned heavy vehicle managing access or passing
- 10. Light vehicle inside 30 m of stationary heavy vehicle
- 11. Passing roadworks vehicles
- 12. Loading unit geo-fence characteristics
- 13. Loading unit tramming characteristics
- 14. Dozer working at the dump
Resource links
The links listed below were discussed and visited during the workshop
Other useful links and webinars
Webinars of possible interest:
1. EMESRT Vehicle Interaction project team delivered a presentation for the ICMM ICSV, February 2021.
Project Aim: Deliver a standardised, scientific, and objective testing guidelines that have been industry verified and utilises the best components of the Mining3 body of work, and the UP testing procedure. There is no current rigorous method of verifying that the statement of intent of proximity detection devices reflects the actuality of the system performance once implemented. These guidelines will provide a path for mine sites and third party testers to engage with the PDS suppliers to mature the development of PDS units towards a higher standard.