
Since 2013, EMESRT has led and participated in industry-level initiatives with the common goal of improving the reliability of vehicle interaction controls in mining.


Initiatives such as:

  • The development of interoperability standards between third-party PDS suppliers and equipment supplied by OEM’s – a common interface protocol allows PDS controls in mixed equipment fleets
  • Collaboration with the ICMM Risk Committee, ICMM Collaborative Technology Acceleration Summits and ongoing support during 2018 for the ICMM Initiative for Cleaner Safer Vehicles (ICSV) programme
  • Supporting and contributing to the industry review of the ACARP Proximity Detection System Validation Framework Project C26028

The impetus for this work was the rapid development of commercially available Vehicle Interaction Systems (VIS). The challenges of integrating and fully realising the potential of new awareness, advisory and intervention technologies with existing design and operational controls is illustrated in Figure 1 below.

The project work applies ‘whole of system’ thinking to improve multi-level, interconnected and dynamic vehicle interaction controls. It is based on Design Philosophy DP-5, ‘Machine Operation and Control and Performance Requirement 5A (PR-5A).

PR-5A process

  • Clearly define problems and use
  • Use scenarios to confirm understanding
  • Develop practical outcomes, eg. developing performance requirements for the evaluation of vehicle interaction technologies