
This self-review tool builds from content developed during EMESRT led Industry Workshops during 2019. It has been further reviewed and updated in June 2020.

Structure of this Mobile Equipment Fire Management Self-Review Tool

There are different types of Business Inputs and in this self-review tool and they have organised into these categories:

  1. Personnel are trained, competent, authorised, alert, informed and situationally aware.
  2. Equipment, Tools and consumables are fit for use, available, used and maintained.
  3. Work Environment – hazards in the operating environment are identified and managed.
  4. Interactions between work groups carrying out different tasks are well managed.
  5. System Optimisation – there is a whole of system overview of activities that deliver safe and productive outcomes, when necessary modifications are made.

Then within each spreadsheet tab the Business Inputs are sorted into these subcategories:

  • Design – there is a process design that meets needs.
  • Operate – the designed process is implemented.
  • Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition – the process performance is measurable, the ‘operate’ state is monitored and maintained for safe and productive outcomes.
  • Abnormal Threat Response – safe and productive operating states can be recovered i.e. the process can be restored

Grouping the business inputs this way assists the self-review process because it aligns with organisational processes and accountabilities, for example:

  • Personnel processes are designed and supported by Human Resources and Training.
  • Equipment specification, pre use approval, calibration and maintenance etc. are managed by the Technical or Engineering function.
  • The work environment and work group interactions are part of operational planning

    Last Updated: 01/06/2020 04:06:30pm