In February 2015 an experienced tyre fitter was killed and another seriously injured while working on an earthmoving vehicle tyre at a Queensland mine. As with all serious industry events, the incident was reviewed by the Board of the Minerals Council of Australia (MCA) at their March 2015 meeting and they requested that a Tyre Working Group (TWG) representing the industry be formed to answer these questions

  1. Why are tyre related fatalities still occurring for a well understood risk?
  2. Do we fully understand the risk landscape and has it changed?
  3. Is the current industry approach adequate?
  4. What can and should we be doing next?

Following an initial analysis and progress report in June, the MCA Board supported a recommendation that the TWG apply the International Council of Mines and Metals (ICMM) Health and safety critical control management – Good practice guide to systematically and effectively provide answers to these questions.

This paper describes the approach used by the TWG to collect and catalogue incident information, fatality risk analysis and the application of the ICMM critical control management (CCM) process as part of an industry level project to address a specific industry fatality risk. The paper concludes by discussing the outcomes and learnings arising from the work and makes general recommendations about future applications of the CCM process at a collaborative industry level.


Last Updated: 23/01/2023 03:20:56pm