Equipment that is not matched to site conditions is deployed (either initially on site or during its service life on site) that has a fire related issue – caused by:

  • Bypassing mobile equipment introduction to site processes
  • Operating a machine with an out of service tag
  • Inadequate systems to report machine faults
  • Operating machine that is overdue for a service
  • Inadequate system to ensure compliance with introduction to site process
  • Poor management of sub-contractor equipment introduction to site and servicing requirements by contractors
  • Entry by third party in a vehicle (trespasser, surface vehicle driven underground, etc.)

 Credible Failure mode is addressed by:

  • BI-02.01 Introduction of equipment to site process
  • BI-02.31 Operator prestart checks include brakes, steering, tyres and running gear
  • BI-04.02 Appropriate system for scheduled inspections including structured checklists and defect reporting
  • BI-05.01 Change Management Process
  • BI-05.03 Effective contractor management processes


Last Updated: 17/05/2022 03:52:34pm