A mobile equipment fire caused by external fire or other high energy contact introduced cannot be extinguished using fire suppression system, related to:

  • Poor use of fire extinguisher escalates the fire
  • Lack of access of FSS medium to the seat/source of the fire
  • Wrong extinguisher type or FSS medium on the item of mobile plant escalates the outcomes from the fire (e.g. electrocution of responding workers)

 Credible Failure mode is addressed by:

  • BI-01.04 Trained, Competent and Authorised Mobile Equipment Operators
  • BI-02.12 Serviced and checked fire extinguishers on mobile equipment
  • BI-02A.30 OEM Designs provide for installation of fire detection and suppression systems
  • BI-03.04 Lightning TARP
  • BI-09B.03 Operator Fire Training


Last Updated: 17/05/2022 03:45:24pm