Caused by:

  • Automatic or manual system activation signal sent but not received by fire suppression system
  • Automatic or manual system activation signal sent and received by fire suppression system which activates but fails to suppress the fire because of a sequence issue i.e. cooling fans are still running

 Credible Failure mode is addressed by:

  • BI-01.43 Required system health checks before mobile equipment operation – information for operator by vehicle type specifying: access and escape, alarms, fire suppression, auto shutdowns and other relevant protective systems
  • BI-01.52 Skilled and experienced personnel are accountable for selection of mobile equipment
  • BI-01.53 Skilled and experienced personnel are accountable for maintaining fire detection and suppression systems on mobile equipment
  • BI-02.08 Fire suppression system is integrated into machine operation
  • BI-02A.01 Fit for purpose equipment selection processes – General
  • BI-02A.30 OEM Designs provide for installation of fire detection and suppression systems
  • BI-02A.46 Fire suppression specification for mobile equipment
  • BI-02A.60 Specification for an OEM Fire protection evaluation for mobile equipment


Last Updated: 17/05/2022 03:41:14pm