During normal operations, there is a failure of reservoirs, hoses or lines containing fuel, hydraulics, lubrication, coolant etc. caused by:

  • leaks from over tightening or under tightening of hoses and lines or
  • rubbing or wear fail because maintenance and re installation of hoses, lines is outside of OEM or third party supplier recommendations
  • the released liquid is a fuel that can be ignited e.g. turbo charger, exhaust, electrical fault, etc.
  • the failure leading to the release of liquid is due to substandard maintenance of OEM or third-party equipment components
  • flammable liquids introduced as part of the maintenance process (e.g. solvents, cleaners, etc.)

 Credible Failure mode is addressed by:

  • BI-01.13 Clear maintainer performance management expectations supported by an active and consistent performance management process
  • BI-01.50 Trained and competent personnel carry out error free hose assembly
  • BI-01.51 Skilled and experienced personnel are accountable for maintaining mobile equipment
  • BI-02.02 Maintenance requirements cover all safety and operational systems on mobile plant
  • BI-02.21 Design of components means they cannot be fitted wrongly e.g. turbo chargers on backwards
  • BI-02.50 Plant Safety Files – requirement to register and track plant components and certificates
  • BI-02A.02 Fit for purpose equipment selection processes – fuel, lubrication and hydraulic lines
  • BI-02A.45 Confirm that hydraulic systems performance meets OEM guarantees
  • BI-02A.50.1 Flammable Fluid Line Control Systems detect and react to loss of containment
  • BI-02A.70 Fire resistant coolants, hydraulic fluids are tested, approved and available for use in mobile equipment, when required.
  • BI-03.06 Burst protection on hoses
  • BI-04.04 Site change management process apply to the introduction of new types and models of mobile equipment
  • BI-05.04 Regular and consistent application of performance management processes


Last Updated: 23/01/2023 02:50:54pm