The Resources Regulator (the Regulator) has identified fires on mobile plant as a significant hazard in the New South Wales mining industry. In particular the higher rates of such fires in surface mines and underground metaliferous mines is the focus of the Regulator’s proposals for change outlined in the Discussion Paper.

Safety is the minerals industry’s highest priority. NSW Minerals Council’s (NSWMC) members recognise that industry and the Regulator need to closely consider what can be done to address fires

on mobile plant. Industry has already commenced a proactive approach to address this issue including working closely with Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), engineering design experts and maintenance personnel to identify solutions to prevent the occurrence of fire on mobile plant.

The Discussion Paper contemplates the introduction of controls utilised in the underground coal mining environment, into underground metaliferous mines and surface mines, which have a significantly higher

rate of fires on mobile plant than underground coal mines. The industry is concerned that introduction of these solutions could have a significant impacts on industry, without commensurate health and safety benefits. While this appears to be a shift away from outcomes-based regulation, there may be merit in exploring the application of these controls, and others, in the underground metalliferous and surface mining environments.


Last Updated: 23/01/2023 02:50:52pm