Not identifying compromised fire control features of mobile equipment, caused by:

  • Not conducting a pre-start check
  • Failing to understand how to or fail to perform checks on fuel sources and ignition sources
  • Lack of system health checks
  • Not identifying missing or damaged portable extinguishers

 Credible Failure mode is addressed by:

  • BI-01.03 Clear operator performance management expectations supported by an active and consistent performance management process
  • BI-01.43 Required system health checks before mobile equipment operation – information for operator by vehicle type specifying: access and escape, alarms, fire suppression, auto shutdowns and other relevant protective systems
  • BI-02.31 Operator prestart checks include brakes, steering, tyres and running gear
  • BI-04.02 Appropriate system for scheduled inspections including structured checklists and defect reporting


Last Updated: 23/01/2023 02:50:55pm