Thiess Mine Intersection Design Fundamentals


Intersection Design Fundamentals is a core training program that supports and reinforces the Thiess processes for managing mine traffic across its global operations.


The outcome of this program is to provide a deeper understanding of key intersection design principles.


This program was designed to provide an understanding of why key principles are fundamental, and how these are related to the physiology of human information perception in conjunction with applicable collision theorems.

Key Information

  • Pages 2 through 10 give an overview of a typical (surface coal) intersection design and how this can be affected by typical human vision limitations;
  • Observations made on how to make traffic flows more “human friendly” are provided at page 11 through 13;
  • A technique called conflict point analysis is described on pages 14 and 15.
    What this means is that designers should consider how many things can happen at an intersection and how they could be perceived by a vehicle operator. The total number of conflict points should be minimised in good design;
  • Page 16 has a table for guidance on Safe Intersection Sightline Distances (SSD) which vary from 10m at 10km/hr to 185m at 80 km/hr;
  • Pages 17 to 22 provides guidance on how to apply sight distance graphics from HME manuals;
  • Pages 23 to 26 give an approach to treating intersection geometry;
  • Pages 27 to 29 discuss traffic control – focussing on minimising complexity in numbers of HME, directions of travel and mix of vehicle types;
  • Page 30 discusses change management for transitioning to better intersections.


Last Updated: 17/03/2020 10:54:05am