Operators of heavy and light vehicles fail to follow the designated haul route, caused by:

  • Unaware or does not understand the requirement for operating LV/HV Vehicles on site (travel routes, vehicle capabilities, critical systems)
  • Rules for travelling into the Shop
  • Inadequate Management of Vehicles (asset management)
  • Equipment under tow

 This Credible Failure mode is addressed by:

  • BI-01D.01 Trained personnel who are supported by an appropriate and up-to-date training management system
  • BI-01P.01 Trained, Competent and Authorised Mobile Equipment Operators
  • BI-01S.01 Clear operator performance management expectations supported by an active and consistent performance management process
  • BI-01S.02 Pre-commencement and periodic medicals for mobile equipment operators
  • BI-03P.03 Expected routes by vehicle type are effectively communicated.
  • BI-04P.01 Vehicle interactions are considered as part of the short-term planning processes
  • BI-04P.10 Specification covering escorting requirements
  • BI-05P.01 Shift to shift communication
  • BI-05P.02 Site change management process apply to changes in equipment, road networks and traffic flows


Last Updated: 03/08/2020 02:25:56pm