BMA Goonyella Riverside Mine – Mining Vehicle Segregation
This approach was applied to segregate heavy and light mining vehicle activity and to improve road intersection design. It was implemented at (BMA), an open cut coal mine site with a large mine road network (total >105 km) on a large mining area.
- This new network has resulted in a 50% decrease in the requirement for heavy vehicles (HV) and light vehicles (LV) to share a road
- The number of intersections where HV and LVs can turn across each other has decreased from 17 to two
- Mine productivity of the heavy vehicle fleet was increased by reducing haul stoppages from light vehicles entering the active circuits
BMA applied a systematic approach to preventing HV and LV interactions by incorporating a broad range of measures from all levels of the hierarchy of controls. The most effective has been to reduce interactions by implementing engineering controls to segregate light vehicles from heavy vehicles.
The discipline inherent in the approach was to move to engineering controls to minimise the road distances shared by heavy and light vehicles, while reducing the number of potential conflict points at road intersections. The process was successful because of the systematic risk reduction approach undertaken and the support of senior leaders.
Last Updated: 23/07/2019 09:14:40am