Phase 2 – Site Control Framework (CFw) Validation 

In phase 1 operating sites prepare a version 1 baseline by mapping documented site procedures and processes against the EMESRT good practice Vehicle Interaction Control Framework.

In phase 2, personnel review, update and validate this baseline based their experience and knowledge of operational practice during a multi-day validation workshop. This workshop begins with an overview of the process and some participant training based on new control thinking. 

Participants then review control sheets prepared from information collected during phase 1. This information is organised into the 13 Operational Required Operating States. Working in this format assists participants to understand the many to many relationships and hierarchy between control framework components.

The sheets define the Operational Required Operating State being validated and provide Credible Failure Mode details with incident scenario descriptions. Then for each Credible Failure Mode, the Business Inputs mapped from phase 1 are provided.

This validation workshop follows this iterative process:

  1. Review the Operational Required Operating State and confirm that it is relevant to safe and productive mobile equipment operations for this site
  2. Review each Credible Failure Mode and confirm that the operational scenarios apply, and it can compromise the Required Operating State being reviewed
  3. Then review each linked Business Input to confirm that it can prevent or mitigate the Credible Failure Mode from compromising the Required Operating State.
  4. Based on operational practice review and update details on how the Business Input is
    1. Specified
    2. Implemented and
    3. Monitored

    This format and work cycle provides participants with a whole system overview and an operational context as they review the detail of each Business Inputs.


    Last Updated: 21/12/2020 02:24:52pm