The Work Packages in this section focus on the successful implementation of new VI intervention controls (EMESRT Levels 8–9). This requires the integration of all VI Control Levels for a ‘whole of system’ improvement.

As further analysis is undertaken and more information about potential new react VI controls becomes available, then it is recommended that User Requirements are updated.

5.2.1 Functional Requirements – define what options to enhance existing Vehicle Interaction Controls options will and will not do. Review these and update from these sources

      • Site CFw version 2 from validation workshop
      • EMESRT Vehicle Interaction Story Boards
      • EMESRT Vehicle Interaction Functional Requirements

5.2.2 Performance Requirements – site performance requirements define technology availability; they are determined by site personnel considering the consequences of new control technology failures

5.2.3 Technical Requirements – cover what must be provided to support the installation and integration of new controls e.g. extensions of site WiFi networks


Last Updated: 21/12/2020 02:46:22pm