Step 1: Set up as a Project 

Conduct project planning – improving mobile equipment controls at operating sites is best conducted as a PROJECT. This requires coordinating multiple related activities such as:

  • Reviews and assessments of current VI control performance
  • Supporting experienced personnel to reassess and modify how they carry out their work
  • Change management
  • Stakeholder management
  • Operational validation and integration
  • New technology assessment and sourcing
  • Approvals and finance
  • Data collection and analysis

Also consider other related projects (e.g. future mine digitisation) in the project planning phase.

Apply existing “Company’ project management approaches to deliver required outcomes, including:

  • confirming a senior manager sponsor
  • appointing an appropriately experienced project manager.

Conduct a review of operating site vehicle interaction control status, using the the ICMM Maturity Framework Assessment tool. The site results from this broad review will assist both the senior manager sponsor and the project manager to make the business case, develop the project charter and manage stakeholders.