The Work Packages in this section focus on confirming that existing VI controls are robust, reliable and practical BEFORE investing in technology to enhance existing or add new controls.

3.3.1 Functional Requirements – define what new Vehicle Interaction Controls can and do not do. They are derived and updated from these sources

  • Site CFw version 2 from validation workshop
  • EMESRT Vehicle Interaction Story Boards
  • EMESRT Vehicle Interaction Functional Requirements

3.3.2 Performance Requirements – site performance requirements define technology availability; they are determined by site personnel considering the consequences of new control technology failures

3.3.3 Technical Requirements – cover what must be provided to support the installation and integration of new controls e.g. extensions of site WiFi networks

Preparing User Requirements during phase 3 assists with technology assessment during phases 4 and 5.

Note: User Requirements are updated through the life of the Vehicle Interaction Control Project

Phase 3 – Existing VI Control Enhancement

Phase 4 – New VI Control Implementation


Last Updated: 21/12/2020 02:28:56pm