This section provides information on delivering technology based improvement projects where there is good access to skilled personnel and well developed infrastructure support. It includes:
- Case studies
- Research and guidance material
- Links to regional and national industry associations
An analysis of injuries to haul truck operators in the U.S. mining industry [2010]
This 2010 analysis of injuries to haul truck drivers in the United States mining industry is based on MSHA data from 2004-2008.The objective of this work was to profile injuries sustained during haul truck operations, to identify priorities for further investigation, and to determine potential injury prevention strategies. [More...]
CODE OF PRACTICE Safe mobile autonomous mining in Western Australia
CODE OF PRACTICE Safe mobile autonomous mining in Western Australia This code of practice will assist those involved with mobile autonomous mining in Western Australia to meet their legislative obligations for work health and safety under the Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994. (More...)
Driving while fatigued Mines Safety Alert no. 246…
Driving while fatigued - Mines Safety Alert no. 246 on 04 August 2010, Queensland, Australia This alert describes an incident when a mines inspector was travelling south on the Bruce Highway when a vehicle travelling north veered onto the wrong side of the road and into his path (More...)
EMESRT PR-5A Vehicle Interaction Systems Performance Requirements – Revision 2
The PR-5A Design Philosophy covers operational controls across a range of potential unwanted events (PUE's)
The philosophy present two key models - the Mica Endsley model for situational awareness and the EMESRT 9 layer defensive controls model.
The 9 layer model assists in understanding all 9 control levels and the situational awareness model with Levels 7-9. Read on for more...
Eye Tracking Technology
A synopsis of academic research on using cameras and pupil tracking to provide input data for EMESRT level 8 type alarms. [More...]
Guidance Note QGN 27 Collision prevention…
Guidance Note QGN 27 Collision prevention, Mining and Quarrying Safety and Health Act 1999 ? issued by the Mines Inspectorate of the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy (DNRME) Queensland Government, Australia. Published in 2018, this Guidance Note applies to surface and underground operations and is designed to assist in the identification of hazards, and the development and implementation of controls, to manage the risk to persons from collisions. This includes collisions between vehicles, vehicles and persons, and vehicles and infrastructure. (More...)
MDG 2007 Guideline for the selection and implementation of collision management systems for mining - published by New South Wales State Government, Australia.
Published in 2014, this intent of this guidance material is to... (More...)
MSHA Proximity Detection/Collision Warning Information…
MSHA Proximity Detection/Collision Warning Information from Technical Support MSHA and the mining industry have worked together to develop potentially life-saving technology that can stop machine motion and/or send a warning signal to the machine operator when it detects a person or object in the machine's path. (More...)
NIOSH Mining Topic: Proximity Detection
NIOSH Mining Topic: Proximity Detection Active link to the NIOSH webpage Mining Topic - Proximity Detection This web site has links to field evaluations and next steps in the development of intelligent Proximity Detection systems (iPD). (More)
Park safely to prevent uncontrolled vehicle – Mines Safety Alert no. 279…
Park safely to prevent uncontrolled vehicle - Mines Safety Alert no. 279 on 13 December 2011, Queensland, Australia This alert provides an example of a mistake could have resulted in a serious injury; a light vehicle driver intended to park a vehicle but selected reverse instead. It makes recommendations for mien and exploration sites to have effective parking procedures for light vehicles. (More...)
Safety Improvement Technologies for Mobile Equipment…
Safety Improvement Technologies for Mobile Equipment at Surface Mines, and for Belt Conveyors at Surface and Underground Mines Link to a to Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Proposed Rule that includes Safety Improvement Technologies for Mobile Equipment at Surface Mines. Relevant to improving mobile equipment interaction controls (More...)
Traffic rules and controls in underground coal mines – QLD Australia
Traffic rules and controls in underground coal mines - Mines Safety Alert no. 15. April 2000 Queensland Australia This alert recommends reviewing transport rules for intersections after a collision between personnel carrier travelling on the main road and the bucket of a Load-Haul-Dump (LHD) that was crossing the road at a cut through. This incident caused an injury to a passenger in the personnel carrier. (More...)